Favourite quote

What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived.
It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.
- Nelson Mandela

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Unexpected trip to the museum

So I had a day of fun planned, I was planning a day trip in the kayak while the women folk went to the museum, but a family member decided to break her foot and I had to take her to Auckland hospital. She didn't need my help, but I didn't want to head home so I stayed in the area to take her home after she got fixed up. 

Having a few hours, I decided to lunch at 277 Broadway shopping center and another hour checking all the lovely fashion shops. If I had a spare hundred or two, I might have purchased a new dress. 

Think I need new feet after all that time in heels

Eventually I get a call, she still hasn't seen a doctor, so I head over to the museum.

Back scratch from an old fossil

After an hour (wearing flats to give my feet a rest), I decided another cup of tea when I get a phone call to say X-rays have been taken. I kind of panicked, settled for just 1 cup out of the pot of tea and race back to the car to change, when I realize there's still another doctors visit and a plaster cast to be done.

So with this extra time, I thought, what might you like to see? maybe some poses under the trees? I found this skirt in the Op Shop bag my wife was meant to drop off in the boot of the car, every time I took a step, it tried to fall off me.

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