Favourite quote

What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived.
It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.
- Nelson Mandela

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Man flu, never expected that

So last week, I had a cold bug, had a day off work, took a few silly selfies while trying to relax doing nothing. I hate doing nothing - it's the most boring thing to do.

So I decided to look into "why" our dish washer wasn't cleaning properly - think I found the answer just under the sparkling clean filter plate.

Mid week, I had another day off, this time to drive the wife to hospital for a procedure, I gave her the cold the day before, but maybe the anesthetic killed the cold for her?

So today, I had the day off to take a good friend to the airport. This morning while we chatted at my house, I was wearing my favorite dress but changed back to boy mode for a brunch before dropping her off at the airport.
My cough was so bad, 10 days and still coughing up lots of yuk, I decided to go to the doctors.
I had an hour to kill before the appointment and decided to go for a coffee.
Walking into the crowded McDonald's, quite a few people noticed me (5 minute make up job probably didn't help) so I looked them in the eye and smiled back to them. After the coffee I then visited the library (just behind the doctors) for 15 minutes and eventually meandered over to the doctors where I ended up waiting 20 minutes after the appointment time.
It's really hard being a lady, when you have a loud hacking cough.

Waiting at the Doctors

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