Started my week finding the correct parts for the repair of my wife's car.
I visited "Pick a Part" wreckers where they had a similar car that had been rear ended. I paid my $2 and walked in with my tool box (would have loved to do photos here, maybe in a wedding dress and getting greasy, but today I'm on a mission, in boy mode), checked and removed a front left axial, paid for the part on the way out and replaced the wifes car stub axial. It's nice having the correct tools for the job, even if I only need them once in every 5 years and nothing really beats playing with mechanical stuff, grease or power tools.
Okay - nearly correct tools
Of course there's other jobs, like going to the shop when you realize your totally out of dog food (after a coffee)
Apart from relaxing morning coffee, there's still a need for a few extra presents under the tree for the kids in the quite expanded family.

happy new year hope to see rachel out and about more this year (sandra)
Thanks Sandra, feels like each week is becoming the same. Think I need to pack my tent up and disappear for a couple of days (off the grid if I could).
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