So I got dressed, wanted to go out for a morning coffee but decided to have one at home and made the family a batch of pancakes for breakfast for when they eventually wake.
Around 8 am I decided to take some photos for you and a few minutes later my 20 year old wakes up and we sit down for a chat on the front porch.
My other daughters dog is a bit needy and decided an hour of being patted would be fun.

Eventually, I had to get out and get food for tonight's dinner.
While I enjoyed chatting, relaxing and wearing a pretty bra without any breast forms (it felt so natural), I changed my top to something a little less see through. A coffee with a piece of cake and being able to read the newspaper while I was out, also seemed like a good idea.
After getting back from the shops, I did a load of laundry, tidied up the front and back yard, walked the dogs. I had dinner cooked by 5.30 pm for the 5 of us as one of the girls had a drinks evening planned with girlfriends and had cleaned up by 6.30 (dish washers are great).
Time to relax, so I decided to excuse my self and head down to a local drinking hole for a glass of wine.
Really great news this evening.
My oldest is cleaning out her wardrobe, in that cleanup is what is probably the nicest dress in the world (that she took with her when she moved out in 2016).
So can't wait until I get to wear this dress again.
Wife has enough room in her suitcase so it will be here in a few days 😃😃😃.
I'm so going to cry with excitement.
I should have flown down also, even if it is just to raid the 6 large bags of clothes she is getting rid of as she has such a large collection of what the wife calls "Rachel style" clothes.
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