Favourite quote

What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived.
It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.
- Nelson Mandela

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Vehicle safety check & Olympics

Two things spring to mind over the Olympics. 

1) What the F is a female? As a young man, I just wanted someone soft, with compatible coupling system, getting older I learned about personalities but now we're expected to get the microscope out, slice some cells off and dunk them in special solution. Like what type of parent would do that to their daughters to prove they are actually daughters?

2) I was destined to join the French men's pole vaulting team (my wife thinks I have what it takes, except for the jumping and vaulting bit)


So every year, our cars require a safety check and mine was due. I woke and got out the house around 7.30 but the vehicle testing station doesn't open yet, so off to McDonalds for a coffee on a cold morning.

I was expecting something to fail the test, maybe wipers, maybe a light bulb, there's normally always extra dollars to be spent. But not today as it passes it's inspection.
Decided to convert my selfie at the vehicle testing station to a cartoon, this close to my face could be deemed scary.

Early in the week, I had a 6.30am coffee somewhere other than McDonalds and managed to read the newspaper before work. I'm not sure what I actually expected, but the cafe was quite busy with male workers, some with high vis, some having work team meetings. The staff wrote a note on the plastic takeaway coffee cup lid complimenting me on the dress and wishing me a lovely day 😄  

Very nice but I felt a bit like a cheat as I hadn't even bothered to put any make up on at that time of day.

It's become my new favourite coffee shop with another visit Thursday morning. I forgot to take a photo there but later in the day I was at a mall for a quick visit to H&M shop and lunch when I remembered that you liked photos.

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