Favourite quote

What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived.
It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.
- Nelson Mandela

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Wife asked me to get my daughters car safety check done this weekend, in boy mode. My girl change bag was in the car but occasionally it's okay to be normal - boring, but normal and wife very happy. 

That didn't stop me form getting out for coffee and shopping on the other days

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Sharing clothes with people who enjoy the same style

 There's a thought, maybe I should set up some sort of Swap Shop?

But anyway, my daughter asked if I had her tight black top (after searching my draws and cupboard and finding two of her dresses stored there).

I reluctantly gave it back to her after having the use of it for about 3 weeks, and she advised me KMart is still selling them for $14 and she really would like a grey one.

So I visited KMart and bought myself a black top and a grey one for sharing.

One the way home, I decided to try on the grey and also get a few groceries, then thought, all this work and no relaxing, must be coffee time.

Next day I decided to hit the movies and saw the new Alien movie, quite enjoyed it and also the ice cream but think I'm a bit old for these sort of movies now or maybe I just know the story line too well. After the movie (about 6pm) I had to go to the shop for an easy dinner and more milk for my Weet-Bix breakfasts and drinks. 
Okay, enough outings with the grey top, time to let it be shared.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Getting a bit bored with crossdressing, got a few other things I want to do but I did get half a day to enjoy my feminine side. 

Decided I really wanted to go with the PVC look early on and once the shops opened, a quick car change, except outside the car this time so you can see the change.

Otherwise it's just coffee time outings.

I had planned to win the $44M Lotto so you could see me on my own yacht or driving a sports car or giving money away to charity. But since I didn't win, even $6 for a coffee is seeming extravagant.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Vehicle safety check & Olympics

Two things spring to mind over the Olympics. 

1) What the F is a female? As a young man, I just wanted someone soft, with compatible coupling system, getting older I learned about personalities but now we're expected to get the microscope out, slice some cells off and dunk them in special solution. Like what type of parent would do that to their daughters to prove they are actually daughters?

2) I was destined to join the French men's pole vaulting team (my wife thinks I have what it takes, except for the jumping and vaulting bit)


So every year, our cars require a safety check and mine was due. I woke and got out the house around 7.30 but the vehicle testing station doesn't open yet, so off to McDonalds for a coffee on a cold morning.

I was expecting something to fail the test, maybe wipers, maybe a light bulb, there's normally always extra dollars to be spent. But not today as it passes it's inspection.
Decided to convert my selfie at the vehicle testing station to a cartoon, this close to my face could be deemed scary.

Early in the week, I had a 6.30am coffee somewhere other than McDonalds and managed to read the newspaper before work. I'm not sure what I actually expected, but the cafe was quite busy with male workers, some with high vis, some having work team meetings. The staff wrote a note on the plastic takeaway coffee cup lid complimenting me on the dress and wishing me a lovely day 😄  

Very nice but I felt a bit like a cheat as I hadn't even bothered to put any make up on at that time of day.

It's become my new favourite coffee shop with another visit Thursday morning. I forgot to take a photo there but later in the day I was at a mall for a quick visit to H&M shop and lunch when I remembered that you liked photos.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

I decided my new nipples were too big, so out with the Stanley knife for a trim down to a more reasonable size.

We had 3 days of rain forecasted so day one I decided to try out my PVC type clothing, to test how well water falls off it. It seems almost as waterproof as latex - if only I could afford latex clothes.

I didn't want to wear so much PVC all day, so by the afternoon, I had changed my top to a low cut lycra outfit. For health reasons, I'm cutting down on my coffee and choosing green tea. It's not as nice but hoping it's better for me. 
I'd like to thank staff for taking the photo, and again, apologies to the mother and daughter who nearly got bumped as the photographer backed up to take the photo for me.

While drinking my tea, we had a long downpour of rain that went for ages and still bucketing down when I heading back to my car. I accidently forgot to put on the waterproof jacket I was carrying and lots of cold water poured down onto me (especially my boobs), especially when I was under a hole in the gutter pipe, for quite an extended fun time 😁

Of course we didn't have 3 days of rain, as day two started as a sunny but foggy day and I was over the "black" look, wanting to wear something more refreshing.