Favourite quote

What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived.
It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.
- Nelson Mandela

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Sunday went different to expected due to a cancellation, wife found activities for me to partake in during the morning including a walk around a plant shop. Good news, we only came home with pansy ( meaning zero work for me) which wife will place in hanging pots. 

By evening, I was at a lose end and was allowed out for some girl time. I decided instead of going to the shops and having a coffee, I'll go to the pub and relax with a wine. Well I enjoyed it so much I went to the shops and bought a bottle for home. It's been a while since we've had wine at home and it's probably better for my health than coffee.

Monday at the movies with my wife (Fly me to the moon was quite enjoyable) and while I was at the counter buying ice creams, a woman of a similar age started talking to me. I quickly mentioned I wasn't the person she called me and had a bit of a joke about the conversation. It would seem like instead of just one doppelganger, it would seem like I have a couple of them in the same city and now I wonder apart from our extremely good looks, what else do we have in common?

Mid week, my order from Temu arrived, new skirt, some padded pants (no use over tight clothes but okay for flaring out a skirt) and 2 nipples. 
It's been raining a bit, so the skirt has been tested for waterproofness and the nipples stand proud on their own.



Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel. Anneke here after a long time away. My partner is up North so I have the opportunity to go into girl mode. I am enjoying it. Only been 2 hours but fun. Tomorrow, Thursday I should be able to get some quality hours in. A trip out and about. Not sure where bit fed up with silverdale. Will see. This could well be the last couple of days of Anneke for a long time so I need to make the most of it. Thanks Anneke.

Rachel said...

Weather looks nice for a walk and coffee in Orewa, or even a ferry ride to the city or a walk around Devonport tunnels (blog 31 March).
One of my favourite outings is to the Navel museum (blog 18 Feb)

Hope you have a fun outing where ever you go.

Anonymous said...

I would love to go get a coffee but feel very self conscious. Even though I have been into Farmers, The Warehouse and other shops to buy stuff I don't feel confident enough to get a coffee. Is that funny? I suppose it's because I'll be sat there for a while not walking around. I could get a takeout and sit somewhere quiet. There has to be a first time eh? Wish I had your outlook. So I am sat here now at home typing this, 9:05am all dressed and having a coffee. Wondering. Thanks Anneke. I'll let you know what I did.

Rachel said...

I think, other people are either too busy to care or too polite to say anything or maybe they just see me as crazy, but in a nice way. As an introvert male, it's nice to buddy up with an extrovert female. I have way more fun chatting to people in girl mode.

Anonymous said...

I suppose so. Yes I went to Siverdale and then onto Orewa but didn't have the nerve to park up and get out. Had a scare also when my partner was coming home I had just gone out and half way I remembered I hadn't put back her coat and scarf, which I wear when out in the cold. So quick turn around and home to repair the damage. Phew !!!!!! Not sure when the next time will be. Thanks Anneke.