Cat has an eye issue that's gotten a lot worse in the last week, he'll be visiting the vets in the next few days.
Wife is really happy watching her garden develop. The trellis that was leaning against the fence for 2 years, has now been framed and fixed into the ground, deck has been cut back a few feet in preparation for new shrubs. I think I'll need a new back after all this work and I still have to add the top soil.
Saturday night - my Uni girl left her fake tan in my room, so wanting to look good for you, I decided to tan my legs and my upper arms to hide the T-shirt tan - I love the results.
Today (Sunday)
Windy, rainy morning, but only a little chilly so I can still wear a skirt for you.
I had to drop one of the girls off at a course.
We stopped at a McDonald's close to her course venue, shared a McMuffin for breakfast and just before we drove across to her venue, she mentions I have lipstick on my chin - how the heck, I've no idea. Wiping it off also removes my foundation, but better than than leaving it there.
After dropping her off, I then returned to McDonald's for my coffee.

It was kind of weird wearing my black boots, just because I had forgotten how to walk in them after so long. While I was relaxing, the weather changed into a windy but warm sunny day so I did another car change.
Sylvia Park shopping center and time for a browse around, check out new fashion, so many pretty summer tops and dresses to fall in love with.
Ever been shopping, looking at girls clothes and when asked, you say it's for your wife or "a friend"? - "a friend" is a code word for yourself - just saying.
In this case, I was hoping to find some nice office pants for a friend, who wasn't myself because I don't need to pretend anymore.
I did have to use the ladies room while there.
Two 20 ish girls smiled as I walked in.
As I was washing my hands, a woman in her late 50s also went to wash her hands, gave me the look that could have pealed lead paint off a 2 story house.
I doubt the way she looked at me had anything to do with age, maybe more about her culture or about her life experiences.
Either way, it was more her problem than mine.
I did manage to buy white bikini pants cheap as now I'm into that new white skirt as seen in last week, black undies just don't work.

I didn't have time so will have to try to get to Spotlight later in the week.
Off to a shared lunch soon, don't tell anyone but wife is making my contribution as well as her own as reward for working so hard on her garden project.
It's the first year I haven't gone 100% on making my own food for this yearly "friendly" but very competitive competition. Often between the 14 of us, we often produce top restaurant quality dishes.

Update: Okay I didn't place in the top 3 for this years food competition, I've no idea why wife made a sweetcorn muffin on my behalf and next year I promise to cook my own food instead of spending all my time gardening, to redeem today's shocking entry.
But it's still a great event and next year hopefully it will be a cocktail making competition, or even "best curry".
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