Technically, we can't use the word slapping because it has negative connotations, but early this morning my car was broken into.
I was planning to go to the pub on the way home either yesterday or today, in a new outfit and wig. I had my girls "grab bag" in the car. It's an old ratty bag, but obviously still nice enough for someone to smash my car window and grab it.
When I told my family, they laugh and describe a scene where maybe the rat bags go to their leader and present their booty (booby) to the boss as a present - that would be justice and karma all in one, or maybe try presenting my boobs at the porn shop in exchange for money. Daughter and wife telling me it's a "TIT-astrophe" doesn't really help either.
It's a minor setback in my hobby, like a $60 dress and $40 for the wig and $60 for the boobs, maybe $25 for the shoes, so it adds up some. At least the clothes are distinctive, so if I see any young boys wearing the dress or wig, I'll be in a slapping mood.
Financially, I've had to use up half a day of annual leave and fork out $400 for the repairs to the car, which is about twice as much as all the income from the extra hours of work I've put in at the office (the universe punishes me this way whenever I earn a bit extra money).
I'm also OCD about the broken glass that may hurt someone, that is on the grass berm so don't be surprised if you see me vacuuming the grass.
Anyway, your here to see what I've worn recently when I did manage to find an hour to go out.

Oh no! Not good news Rachael. Suzzie
Love the blue dress in pic 1
Bit sad as I wanted big boobs for a dress that arrived today and I only have the smaller ones at home, plus boobs are a lot more expensive now. Had they grabbed the shopping bag as well, I would have to go out shoeless.
I vacuumed the glass out of the grass this morning to reduce injury when mowing, or walking to my car without shoes - I've seen crazy people on YouTube vacuuming their grass and now I'm one of them :)
Gees bloody little rat bag's, glad you got your stuff back.
Shame about 1 of your boob's, they're not too old, I remember reading about when you got them.
I am sorry to hear about your car and the damage , and of course your stuff being stolen . What part of Auckland are you in ?
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