I got home early and spend a couple of hours with the drain layer, installed the sump and a syphon (absolutely no idea what it does, but the water still flows down the drain pipe.
After he left, I grabbed whatever clothes were close at hand then walked the dogs and chatted to the neighbours who were also out for a walk.
Once I dropped the dogs at home I decided there's a bit of time left for myself before I had to start cooking dinner. Coffee at my favorite coffee shop and a visit to Kmart, which has a really nice "posing wall" and a seat to put the phone on for the photo.

I woke at 4.30 am with a sore throat. I did the usual gargle routine and grabbed a lozenge.
Feeling awake I decided an outing in something a bit more risky and changed into my PVC one piece. Just about to put make up on and wife wakes up and drags me back to bed for some early fun, only problem being this one piece is a bugger to get off and no special openings for rude stuff.
Anyway, after wards wife has a shower, I get dressed again but when it came time to put make up on, wife had totally steamed up the bathroom mirror - Sod it, foundation and lipstick on, hopefully in the correct places but definitely somewhere on my face, and I'm off for an 6 am coffee.

Read the paper online, got bored and found the silly photo settings and thought it might make your viewing a bit more fun.

I should have stayed out.
Wife had me pick up a load of decking timber (as if I don't already have a larger than normal deck).
I accidentally twisted my back while carrying the timber to the back yard, might have to visit the swimming pools again to stretch my back out if it's still buggered tomorrow.
On the plus side, the motorbike shop was opposite the timber yard, we checked it out and wife is a bit happier with the idea of me buying a bike after learning what they offer in riding tutorials, safety gear etc (she was hoping it was just a late "mid life crisis")
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