I had a great morning start, with coffee.
I wasn't going to borrow my skinny daughters Macpac jacket, but it just squished my boobs the way I like them pressed into me - sorry, it was a bad photo, dark background, dark jacket and bright overhead lighting while using the grainy selfie camera.
After that I checked out the hardware store looking for a plastic storage box.
Grabbed a trolley worth of groceries.
Had more coffee, before having to "man up" for a day of house renovations (clearing 2 bedrooms and lifting the flooring) .

Mitre 10 warehouse bathroom display area.
One the way out, I did see some really nice 18 inch high Star Wars R2D2 garden ornaments on a two for one sale. Only wanted one, recon the wife would absolutely love one in her garden (on mentioning it too her, she muttered something about it being my headstone).
Everybody, was really nice to me (except wife when I mentioned the R2D2 garden ornament, don't understand why she wouldn't want it in her beautiful garden)

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