It was a full on day and by the late evening, when I'm thinking about getting ready to go to a Halloween party, I realized my dog isn't weeing and pooing.
10.30 pm I was at the emergency vets, unfortunately vet was busy fixing another dogs eye after it got into a fight, but she gave us a laxative which I administered once we got home. The dog is still no better this morning so Monday morning I'll be off to get him xrayed if things don't change.
The stress of a sick dog kept me awake until 1.30, or maybe that was the wife and kids coming home a wee bit intoxicated form the party I wish I had been able to attend.
Sunday morning, I'm awake at 6 am and decide to throw on some clothes and sneak out the house. I have been TOLD to sneak after last week when the wife checked my departure and realized the neighbours were watching us from their porch. It has caused her some anxiety, so she's asked me to sneak or wear a tent so no one can see me leave.
McDonald's coffee morning, legs haven't been shaved for 3 weeks so please don't look to hard (Yes I still dislike stockings).
I am getting to like the shorter hair, I mean the long wigs have been great for the last 30 years but it's probably time to change. It also allows me to style with a darker lipstick, something that never worked with my long wigs.
This morning make up was a full 7 minutes using Maybelline soft matte hydrating foundation followed by Maybelline Super Stay 24h foundation and Maybelline Super Stay powder, some cheap as, eye shadow, mascara and lips gloss

I would like to thank my 20 year old daughter for buying the white skirt yesterday but using the skirt I made for the Halloween party for her instead and leaving the skirt in easy reach.
I need a new pair of MENS shoes for work (not to mention the up coming wedding).
I checked out a whole range of shoes
Love these ones, but not very manly, maybe next weeks pay and it's good to see The Warehouse having pretty shoes up to size 12 in some brands. I also check out their home department and 2 perfect tops, 1 red floral crop top with long sleeves, looks great with high waist denim white skirt that really wants to come home with me.
Shame I'm here to buy men's shoes.
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