Favourite quote

What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived.
It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.
- Nelson Mandela

Monday, October 22, 2018

Long weekend

Ya for public holidays on Mondays!!!!
Apart from occasionally helping wife plant up her garden, this weekend has been very relaxing.
The closest thing to work was replacing curtain rails for 2 bedrooms.
Wife's doing a very nice job of making our bedroom a pretty little love nest, way I figure that is a Win-Win situation
We had a nice drive out to the west side of Auckland, missed my turn for the black sand beaches but ended up at a craft market for coffee and ice creams.

Monday started with an even  bigger craft market at Mission Bay. We drove around for about 15 minutes before finding parking about 1 Km away (10 minute walk for me)
Wife loved it (I've now got a corrugated iron butterfly wall decoration screwed to the house to prove it), not so sure about kids or dog.

No sooner than I walked in the door, girlfriend Josie texts to say we can meet up.
A quick 10 minute make over (too late for a shave), I asked wife if I should wear the long wig or short wig - she says short wig is better.
I suppose one day, I'll listen to her (or get used to short hair).
The beaches were packed, and difficult to find parking, but a small walk we had a semi-private spot to chat about girl stuff and watch over the whole beach.
I felt like a queen watching over her subjects.

After dropping Josie off, I needed my regular coffee stop, I mean like 3 days without my usual coffee and muffin was just getting too much.


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