Making it worse, I'm away from home for the week and living out of a suit case.
Wife headed off to say hi to an old work collegue so I decided to go out for lunch even though my wigs and makeup didn't come on holiday with us.
Lunch was at a nice coffee shop in a small shopping plaza at a time when the shop was very full with mums and prams.
I was quite nervous as it's the fist time out without a wig -
second actually as I was here back in '96 at a restaurant one night, in a dress that has longs since been thrown away in the hope I'd never become a cross dresser.
Very quickly I felt really at peace with who I am and where I was.
Wife still noticed the mascara I borrowed from her make up bag (it was my mascara anyway!!!) when she got back.
I've had to blur my image for this site as I work in a very male orientated company who either love or hate, but can never leave stuff alone or keep quiet, they love to gossip - you know how boys talk.
Back in good old Auckland, to rain, rain and more rain (but at least it's warmer)
It rained so hard over 2 hours, I had to go to Bunnings hardware for a water pump, luckily the water in my basement hadn't reached the power points but my storage bench with my tools in soaks up water like a sponge. I was worried driving the wife's car as the bow wave was over the head lamps, had I known the drain had blocked I would have used my wagon. Local paper has kids out in kayaks and dinghys on the local streets - lot of fun for the locals, but 3 hours of pumping and drying for me.
Monday - Queens birthday holiday means I get to sleep in, as if I ever could, but went out for an hour for coffee and read he newspaper. I wish I could stay in girl mode all day, but expecting the tiler around to finish his section of the new bathroom

Wife doesn't like me returning home in girl mode in case someone (daughters boyfriend) might see me. Dog is watch wife walk away with the red dressing gown after she unlocked and "supervised" my entry in to the house to ensure daughters boyfriend doesn't see me.
Daughter has just raced in, she's found this youtube and thinks it's really great,
I also think he looks good in them, better than boring shoes.
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