Mind you, half way through my coffee and the lady behind me started snoring very loud.

I did managed to stay awake all day but had to have another coffee at Bunnings, our hardware store while picking up some gardening supplies for the wife.
SO why was sleep so hard -
Well my 15 year old daughter decided she doesn't feel safe at her mums house and wants to live at mine full time for a while (until mum has had counselling about her temper). We chatted for about 4 hours up until midnight about a safe exit strategy and after I had 4 hours sleep, I started to stress about how her discussion with her mum would go.
Next few days/weeks are going to be hell as my Ex finds out she has no one to control.
My gut feeling is we will have a stalker watching our house 24/7, although there's a slim chance she might go suicidal, either way will be bad.
Some people just don't like being told to seek professional help and get angry for implying they are mad.
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