I hope your having a great Christmas with the ones you love
It's Christmas day, if you classify 6.30 am as part of your day.
I've been up for an hour as per my normal "work mode" body clock, and having so many girls means I'm the only one up for the next few hours
This week has been a bit of a breakout week.
I mean sure I've had girl time out briefly for a girl coffee, but if you remember last post I mentioned I couldn't really be bothered with my wig, well the last few days, I've not bothered.
Unfortunately the photos look like a balding man who wants to be a female.
Sometimes life sucks as I remember back to having long hair in my youth, but the main point of life is to have fun, which I always do, regardless of which personality is in charge.
Warning Photo of old man who doesn't like being old :)
Relaxing by the beach and coffee at Hollywood Bakery at a busy shopping mall 2 days before Christmas

At local coffee shop where the staff know me very well in both boy mode and girl mode.
At the movies watching "Rogue One" in a white tee, skin jeans and my favorite black and gold flats, no bra as I'm endeavouring to be more gender neutral.
BTW - I'm not a fan of Rogue One, to big on computerized shots, to small on script and acting.
My Boxing Day outing, both with my wig and without (to show how scary I look without the wig) The staff at McDonalds where I had my coffee were very nice and used the correct gender when addressing me.
Boxing day also saw me getting my eyebrows waxed, threaded and shaped more feminine - I love the difference.
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