Favourite quote

What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived.
It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.
- Nelson Mandela

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Still too hot

but I've found being up high in the mountains and forests for a week, is a good way to stay a bit cooler. I even got to have a couple of swims (river crossings that are deeper than my waist). One thing that does make me hot, is when I'm on day 4 of dry rations and someone pulls out fresh onions, peppers and meat for an evening meal. My little camp cooker is good for boiling water, but the gas flame is to narrow to heat a large pan. It's also upsetting when the same person pulls out a beer from their pack while I'm drinking water from waterfalls and streams.

Wife and I went out to a local sports bar, had a drink and played pool (it's been 3 decades since I last played and probably 4 for my wife) - it was a nice relaxing way to spend a couple of hours.

Anyway, crossdressing (that's why I've written this and the reason your here, not to read about normal life)....

It's taken a few days to shave off the hairy chin and I haven't even started on my hairy legs yet (maybe a leg wax would be nice).

Finally got out this morning, shopped for projects around the new house, had coffee while I was out. It felt nice to have makeup on, skirt and nice shoes after all the time in scruffy clothes and boots. At one point, I stood up from a chair, while I was standing on the long skirt, almost had my skirt drop around my knees - something to be aware of if your into crossdressing and long skirts 😂

Relaxing is just nicer, in girl mode


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