Favourite quote

What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived.
It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.
- Nelson Mandela

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Why hide

So I've successfully sold my boobs (the extra set, that I thought I was buying 2 boobs and it ended up as "2 sets" of boobs) to Hanna this morning. We meet at McDonalds and had a lovely chat. I hope she get lots of use out of them.

Sometime between the last 6 weeks of hideous illness upon illness that never seemed to end, I had a need to visit Bunning hardware and decided to go looking for some winter clothes. After about an hour and a half (including coffee break) of walk around a shopping center and finally a visit to H&M, I found some clothes that took my interest

My thoughts last week about not going out because I have more facial lumps (blisters) than 'Nanny McPhee" on a bad day, came to a swift realization - I'm still me and I should still be allowed out regardless of the rash.

Being winter, I've seen a lot of attractive ladies in stockings and boots and decided "why not" try to dress as attractively as they do. Okay, I might not look as attractive as they do, but I'm certainly feeling good, dressed this way.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Trees Revenge

Sunday, with my very sore leg, I had to have skirts that didn't rub on the wound, so wore this this most of the day, starting at Bunnings for a cat door (I've allowed a tenant to have a cat because I'm getting soft in my old age, and I enjoy my cat)

Before installing the cat door, I had to do a few other chores and before I know it, it was time for an early lunch. Coffee and a sandwich is enough for me today.

There was a time (decades) I donated blood to help others, now every time it's at the doctors request to find out what is wrong with me (I thought that would be a psychiatrist job). 
I was so upset at seeing the 50 minute queue (about 20 people waiting) at the Lab, that had it not been for a couple of kind gentlemen noticing me not scanning my appointment card and reminding me to scan, I might have been there a lot longer. It's gentlemen like these chaps, that really makes my day. However,  I was surprised when they also wanted a urine sample, I needed a coffee and time to plan that one

Trees Revenge

During my visit to the lab for the blood sample, I noticed the inside of my elbows are a bit red. Fast forward 2 days and both my arms are bright red, hot and blistering, along with my neck and a few patches on my face. It would appear that a bit of the tree sap may have reacted with my skin and given me a bad rash that needed $135 of medical attention for anti-biotics and anti-histamine. 

And there was the wife worrying about me being 6 meter up a tree with a chainsaw and it was an allergic reaction that got to me.

So this is my last dress up until my face returns to normal and all sores have heeled

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Seriously nuts

That's what wife says when I climb 6 meters up a tree to cut down the other 5 meters above me.

So health wise, I've had man flu and now a very masculine cough going on. Do you have any idea how it is to be in girl mode, really feeling it with every cell of my being, then have a big manly coughing attack in front of everyone in the shop. 

After consuming a bottle of commercial cough mix to no avail, I'm going to try a more traditional approach.

So this weeks outings have been while I'm probably feeling and looking my worse.

I did however find my favourite heels, they are great for walking in and offer me a break from my new boots. I spent a couple of days hunting for the heels, checking both cars 3 times, the house 3 or 4 times, started to panic, turned out the wife put them in the last place I ever expected them - the shoe box by the front door (obviously near where I kicked them off).

This weekend, I got permission to cut down of one of out 11 meter high trees (in boy mode obviously so neighbours aren't looking up my skirt or my wig being tangled in the branches). 
Cutting the first 1/3rd was straight forward.

Prepping to cut one of the big side branches, I had an underfoot branch break and ended up kissing the tree. As you probably guess, I like the look of my legs and was planning on shaving them today, but now I'll have to wait until the wound heals. 

I left the trunk of the tree at the 3 meter mark, hopefully I'll win lotto soon and build a tree house for myself and the young ones.