Got relatives AGAIN.......(for 3 weeks starting in a few days)
Time to move ALL my girl stuff in to our main bedroom (if there's room in the wardrobe and draws)
Time to dismantle my large study / computer desk, and leave it "broken down" in the corner of the TV room. I've enough electronics, nail polish and make up to hide to fill a large suitcase.
Then I have to assemble a bunk set in my room.
Thursday saw me working from 7 am until 7 am Friday.
When I woke up on Friday (around 11.30 and still dead tired) I slipped on comfortable tights and top, watched a Tom Cruise movie with half sleepy eyes.
I eventually had to borrow the son-in-laws car to drop of my daughter at a work meeting at 3.30 and pick her up at 4 pm.
The 30 minutes in between was the only ME time (it seems like forever since I've been me) - consisting of visiting the jewellers to pick up my wifes engagement ring, and get more milk from the shops.
Car issues - the cars know when I've a bit extra coin in my purse.
This week with my "extra" money I had to get my car checked (my OBD2 isn't compatible with a 2009 Swift) costing $60.
The mechanics machine says "throttle body", the cost being about $650 to replace.
So I bought MAF cleaner and carb cleaner for $30, stripped, cleaned and reassembled the parts, problem solved, saving myself $620. Think I should do the other car as it's meant to be on a 5 year maintenance schedule.
Love public holidays, but still not enough sleep which is effecting my concentration.
First thing, a 7 am coffee.
It's early enough that "age appropriate" shouldn't apply
After coffee, a quick car change to something more appropriate to wear in to Bunnings for some hardware (wood for shelving)
I eventually meet up with Josie, who I haven't see for what seems like the longest time (probably only a month) for a relaxing beach walk and catch up because it's nice having someone you can relate too.
I'm finally allowed to publish photos from the wedding (obviously not putting my girls photos up)
I think most fathers dread the day that they have to present their daughters to another man. I suppose it's the day we are no longer their "rock", no longer "that person" they come to first, in times of need. Happy they are happy, sad because your relationship will never be as it was.

Hi Rachel You are one busy lady who sure packs a lot in on any given day.I'm also touched by the bond you have with your family especially your daughter as I too have a special thing with my girl.She is aware of my habit but it hasn't affected our relationship.My wife & I have been drifting apart slowly because of this,but we remain together.She does a lot of work in Australia so I'm left with a lot of free time when she's away.I'd love to send you some of my pics but I'm not sure how to transfer them from my phone to the computer.Maybe you can suggest a way'Love those heels wish I had a pair.Nicky
Hi Nicky, as to photos, I just hook my android to my PC, if I'm using my work phone, I email myself. Please don't send rude photos.
Unfortunately not every partnership travels until the end of time in the same direction and sometimes in life we need to change our course of direction.
I also wish I had a pair of heels like the girls, but my role was to be the number 2 man on that day, which is very easy for me to be.
Hi Rachel I guess I'm just looking for a like minded person who I can relate to.I can't keep my hands off womens clothes & anything feminine,I just adore it.I dont look too good naked so you wont get anything rude from me.My wife is overseas so I'm going to have my own little dress up session tonight.My ultimate goal is to one day spend some time with another girl such as yourself out in public .I'll try to send pics of myself to your gmail address, so hopefully they will get through .Nicky
Hi Nicky you can send me some pics too if you like ��
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