On the good side - staff will blame some pretty babe in pink top and tights (and not my other me).
I'll get around to fixing it after I've put dry wall on my new bedroom, wife has me doing long days on the renovations.
January 2 was better, coffee without the bang.
Actually I dropped of one of my daughters at the airport, normally I would kiss and cuddle her her goodbye, but I didn't want her to have lipstick on her cheeks - she's very fussy over her make up.
Then I had coffee before going to the viewing spot to watch her plane take off.

With all the building work, my arms and back are starting to suffer, so I've had to take up swimming again - the spa and sauna are also a bonus. I'm amazed at how difficult it is to put on a bra, top and leggings when your skin is damp after a shower - not even going to mention trying to put on foundation just after spending too long in the sauna.
The thing about swimming - it's impossible to look glam at my age no matter how pretty and nice the swimsuit is.
My coffee mornings, normally before my wife wakes up around 9 am, have over these holiday all blurred and I'm unsure how many and which day any of them were on.

OMG - went to Sylvia Park shopping center yesterday (Friday)
I walked up and down the mall so much my feet started hurting where my flats rubbed my little toe.
I tried on soooo many outfits.

With my daughters high waisted pants, I really wanted short tops - I've never had high waisted pants, never even thought about having a pair for myself, but these feel so amazing I just never want to take them off.
Well except to try on other clothes.
I tried on 3 tops at the Warehouse - nothing really to write home about.
ZARRA - I tried a few nice tops but I didn't emotionally connect.
H&M - Amazing dress for $30, looked and felt like $1M, and while it was shoulderless, ironically it was too small for my shoulders - even after I had removed my boobs to reduce my size. Just another 3 inches to zip up and I would have been in. I really need a good cry. Staff were very sympathetic
COTTON ON - 3 more tops, 2 were normal tops and one red one was what I would call a "play" top, one of those things you do for crazy fun (note to self - more work required on abs and reduce beer intake).
MIRROU - 3 more tops, the last top was a fun floral. Don't know why but with the music in the shop, fun floral top, I found myself breaking in to a dance, jiggling my assets, working the room - all in the changing room cubical.
This top was worth all the wig on-wig off changes of the last 2 hours.
Once I got my floral top home, wife liked it so much she wore it the rest of the day and I got to wear my ripped & dirty t-shirt and shorts with a builders belt as an accessory.

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