Personally, still think I look like an old man, but I felt really good and enjoyed a nice relaxing hour out for coffee and a read of the newspaper.

While I like my shiny top, I decided it was a bit showy, so I quickly changed my top for something a bit lighter before stopping at the grocery shop on the way home. I picked up some pancake mix (that I cooked for the kids for breakfast) and cat food.
Back home I wanted to show off my work around the home, earlier it was with the nail gun, this week I've been breaking up and removing about 3 cubic meters of concrete paths.
Wife took the photo for me, but she wanted me to hurry as we were expecting daughters boyfriend to wake up soon.
The down side is my hands are now covered in blisters and my shoulders and back are in agony, both with fatigue and sun burn on yet another unusually bloody hot, sun baked day.
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