29th December was just a quick morning coffee and read the newspaper before heading home to make wife breakfast in bed.
As it was a quick morning outing, I again just could not be bothered with make up, especially as my Thin Lizzy concealer costs $41 for a small tube
30 December, I woke at 3.30 am and I had the great idea of putting on some slutty clothes that I would have warn night clubbing if they had night clubs for the sexy over 45s. Instead I cuddled my wife and fell asleep until 6 am at which time I went to the pools to do more exercise.
Now you might think it's weird a person with a mans body would slip on a tight one piece swim suit and breast forms and swim 500 meters, but what was really wrong, was the MAN who was having a shave in the public steam room - like that's just yuk.
After wards (7 am) - and no I don't take make up to the pools, red faced from my work out, I went for a morning coffee. This coffee shop is approximately 10 minutes walk from home, so it's the closest cross dressing I've done, please don't tell my wife. I wanted to wear something that was different and matched the fact that today, for once - we have sun shine, like it should be in summer.
Only once I got home, I realized, the only change from yesterday was a tight white tee shirt.

31 December, this time I wore a blue top and grey skirt to my morning coffee at about 7.30 am and found a police cordon around the building. So with all the tape and broken glass inside the shop and the fact other coffee shops in the area don't open for another 90 minutes - I went back to bed for more cuddles.
1 January 2017 - super epic fail.
Thanks to my daughters loan of her dark metallic eye shadow, I've nearly perfected my night time party look. I woke up at 2 am, put on my party face and sluttiest outfit I own (lace top and slinky mini skirt). Again heading to the 24 hour coffee shop, found it crowded with mums & dads driving their drunk teens home. I lost confidence as even the party girls showing half their bums were less slutty looking than me. So back home and in bed by 3 am but....
Never being one to quit, I re-did my make up at 5 am, got dressed again and then........
the taxis arrived and unloaded 6 drunks across the road. I figured, okay they will soon be asleep but after I waited an hour while they chatted & shouted from their front deck, I decided to remove my make up and go back to bed. After I finished in the bathroom, the street was quiet - the buggers had finally gone to bed and I had removed all my make up.
Told my wife - she thought it was funny and said "well maybe Rachel isn't meant to go out after midnight" :)
I'm heading to Wellington with the family and without girl clothes tomorrow, in my wife's silver Mazda Demio but today Miss 17 has mums car approximately 2 hours down the line. The car has made it in to our first official photo for 2017.
I think I'll take my car thanks love, no hurry to bring mums car back now.
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