Shave, 1 dab of foundation, 15 seconds of mascara, dressed & out the door.
Chores - buy peanut butter for kids breakfast, (have a coffee - not a chore), buy timber trim for kitchenette new door.
Get changed, get home for 9 am.
I don't mind taking photos for you, but not so happy about the chap also having breakfast at the next table also taking photos of me "discretely", I wonder if he ever thought about turning of the shutter sound off before using his smart phone.
Over here, while out in "public", people are still allowed to be photographed - and I hope that never changes as we have lots of wonderful and interesting faces and styles.
I do love lace or see through tops, why else would I own a pretty pink bra and try to keep a small belly, not to worried about little muffin tops
Anyway, hope the 90 minutes was enough to keep me sane although I did a Tuesday morning swim in girl mode which is always like amazing.
I hope your Easter break is a good excuse to escape the usual routine and you have lots of fun, as for me, a father / daughter mini golf is on the cards for later today.
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