Favourite quote

What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived.
It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.
- Nelson Mandela

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Dressed but no where to go

Another weeks passed - without "proper" girl time
Summer has kicked in HOT, to hot for wigs and while I've had a few hours in just a skirt while working (aka. drinking ice cold beer) in my yard, the week has just flown by.
Sunday 9.00 pm and finally cool enough to get dressed - but not a lot of places to hang out at this time of day, except home.

Daughter gave me a make up brush, so I thought I would test it compared to my finger rub to apply foundation. It takes a bit longer and the result is slightly better.

This weekend was, as usual, about working on the house although I did help a neighbour remove his decking, for which he gave me the timber which will go towards a porch roof soon.
Finally got photos off the Iphone and on to a PC. I'm impressed by the quality and thought I should show you some from my daily life

Real men don't need big dogs for protection

McDonalds coffee outings with wife

My mentally challenged cat - he's the best

Lost the dog, quick lets escape

Kids summer break, while mum & I worked.

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