Favourite quote

What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived.
It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.
- Nelson Mandela

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Daughter and I shopping day

Off work today, with a sore right hand rib area little sleep last night, tomorrow being a pressure day, thought it best to rest and recoup some sleep while I could.
Miss 16 was also off, okay - she actually has a medical certificate so no surprises there.

Around 11.30am I woke and after getting changed in to something pretty (corset doing an amazing job of supporting my sore ribs), putting on makeup etc, it was 12.30.

I decided since Miss 16 also needed food, to invite her out to lunch (thinking lunch & a glass of wine). After a quick consultation with her, I changed to a more conservative style - being lacy blue top, mini skirt over black tights, flats, over coat, after which she kindly added her scarf to add colour and keep me warm.

First stop is for her favourite food - curry veg pie, and a tin of V, at Hollywood bakery, Manukau.

While there, showing her my rings, she decided she would like to see some from the same shop I bought mine, so off to Hunters Corner shopping centre. A nice chap complimented me on my looks - daughter though him sweet and we made small talk while in the shop looking at rings.

Miss 16 found a Unicorn Onesies she would like, with cute horn & tail, but otherwise nothing really for either of us. We did see some wigs, and she advised how much lighter my hair could go, and how much it couldn't, unless I wanted to go crazy.

We eventually ended up back at Manukau Shops looking at all the clothes, she tried on a few things as did I.

We came home with a lovely low cut dress for her, designed to wear braless as the cut was to navel, but she had me stitch it up to just above her bra line once we got home. She looked stunning braless and says if she was in New York, it wouldn't be an issue, but here, well.... we are more conservative with fashion styles.

As for me, I just had a lovely girls outing with my daughter.

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