Favourite quote

What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived.
It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.
- Nelson Mandela

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Quick coffee

A couple of weeks in man time, and it's driving me mad.
Plus I've had a cold that long and while I've been meaning to have a day off work to help recoup, work has just been to busy. Today was also busy but with only 4 hours sleep, lots of driving followed by nose dripping on clients was low on my to do list, so instead, today turned in to a sleepy day with an hour out to get a coffee (and quick trip to groccery store). The school kids, had a 1/2 day today, I found out when one of the boyfriends arrived just after getting my make up off.

The weather has been fab these last 2 weeks, with Sunday, on combat fields, full camo, shooting the heck out of anybody in range of my airsoft gun, being like in desert heat. Bloody insane fun and brought back memories of my military days
Wednesday and still full of cold.
I was hoping to go to the mall to buy a red coat for my birthday, but seeing all the young males loitering around the mall entrance, I decided to just go to the grocery shop and have a relaxing coffee before heading home for another sleep.
Thanks, now if you could just move out of the phot..... to late

Okay, she's gone, now for that photo


Anonymous said...

You look so relaxed and look great. Good on you for being you.

Rachel said...

Thanks, being a girl is very relaxing for me