Favourite quote

What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived.
It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.
- Nelson Mandela

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Semi-Normal (for me)

It's still so hot, probably 45 days continuous with temperatures over 26 and very little rain. I'm sure when  it does decide to rain, we will be flooded. I remember in the 80's was more temperate, probably 23 degrees by now and light rain each night.


So my first coffee, was in the early morning before sunrise. The coffee shop has big windows on 2 sides, I felt like a gold fish in a fishbowl. okay, my cat is messing with my keyboard while cuddling into me. He's 16 years old, so I don't complain. Anyway, I stayed in the fishbowl of a coffee shop until about half a hour after sun up and I can already tell it's another hot day.

So - semi-normal, I've done a good job of shaving my chin and I'm in girl mode (without make up), the not quite normal bit - I'm showing my very efficient upper arms and shoulders off. I don't remember my arms being this muscly when I wore this top on the Cook Straight ferry about 8 years ago. With crossdressing, I don't really mind my body shape, it is what it is, and hopefully I'll maintain it in good shape for a few more decades.

A quick visit to the Op Shop after coffee, and I found a new black semi-see through top. I did spent a couple of restless nights wondering what to wear it with and more importantly, how soon will I get the chance.

Wednesday was fun, started out with a morning coffee at McDonalds, a nice hour of relaxation and by 11.30 it was lunch time at Columbus Coffee (attached to Mitre 10). A good opportunity to check out some plants for home.

On a more normal note, my Christmas present is starting to take shape, I can see how it's starting to look more like a tank even though the guns are still another 10 instructions away. Some of the pieces are so small I need a microscope to see them and tweezers to maneuver them. Next time I ask for a model, I should tell my secrete Santa - 24 pieces max!!!

Earlier this week, I had a leftover lunch from my time in the bush (I always carry 2 days spare). I remember in the mountains, how nice it was, yet somehow, not to far from a bakery, that same lunch tasted like.... well it was yuk to say the least.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Still too hot

but I've found being up high in the mountains and forests for a week, is a good way to stay a bit cooler. I even got to have a couple of swims (river crossings that are deeper than my waist). One thing that does make me hot, is when I'm on day 4 of dry rations and someone pulls out fresh onions, peppers and meat for an evening meal. My little camp cooker is good for boiling water, but the gas flame is to narrow to heat a large pan. It's also upsetting when the same person pulls out a beer from their pack while I'm drinking water from waterfalls and streams.

Wife and I went out to a local sports bar, had a drink and played pool (it's been 3 decades since I last played and probably 4 for my wife) - it was a nice relaxing way to spend a couple of hours.

Anyway, crossdressing (that's why I've written this and the reason your here, not to read about normal life)....

It's taken a few days to shave off the hairy chin and I haven't even started on my hairy legs yet (maybe a leg wax would be nice).

Finally got out this morning, shopped for projects around the new house, had coffee while I was out. It felt nice to have makeup on, skirt and nice shoes after all the time in scruffy clothes and boots. At one point, I stood up from a chair, while I was standing on the long skirt, almost had my skirt drop around my knees - something to be aware of if your into crossdressing and long skirts 😂

Relaxing is just nicer, in girl mode


Sunday, February 9, 2025

Too Hot

Our days are hitting 28 Degrees (82F for my American viewers) and far too hot for a wig - the dresses are great as the breeze passes underneath, but wig makes it seem hotter and the make up almost melts off.

This morning, without chores, I headed to McDonalds in Ellerslie for a coffee. 

I had a nice chap compliment me on my attire and got to see a few really cool cars that stopped by before they went to the Classic Car Show.

I felt the outfit might have been a bit OTT for daytime shopping, so a car change into something a bit more appropriate for the mall.

The funny thing about fishnet stocking, I started feeling like I was old (like 40 years older). It's almost as if fishnets belonged to the generation before me, I was glad once I got them off.

With the new house, we have inherited lots of bamboo. So I had a coffee at the garden center before buying some "Cut and Paste" bamboo killer - think I'll be killing bamboo for a while. I did have a nice chat with staff and made sure wife got the membership points for the product.

Speaking of the new house, already passed the neighbour within a couple of meters while dressed pretty, I mean they would have found out eventually, not like I hide the fact.

Once the day got cooler, I did the usual "man stuff", lift the 2 x 2.5 meter greenhouse and moved it to the other side of the yard, lifted out the 1960's clothes line out of the ground, both without dislocating a shoulder or damaging my back - no need for weight lifting training today. 
The yard is now ready for me to hire a digger and create a couple of levels.
Think wife will be impressed her wish list is happening fast (hope I get more wardrobe space as a reward 😃)

Monday, January 27, 2025

Wanting my man bod back

Okay, so it's an old man bod at the moment, so I was a bit more conscious of what I eat and this morning -  Auckland anniversary holiday, having an hour that was deemed "free" (ie, to early to have jobs allocated), I decided to hit the running tack. 

It reminded me of how I really hate running, but it was probably good for me.

Wife allowed me to     a) take her new car for an outing

                                     b) have some girl time

So I grabbed my big camera and a few lenses, got dressed and hit the road without really thinking it through.

I ended up in Clevedon - probably thinking about Ardmore Aerodrome and photographing some aircraft, but didn't see any flying today, so drove right past. Plan B was artistic beach photos.

I did see a small group of pine tress and thought about how you might want to see me posing with more interesting backdrops than just shopping malls. But still no need for the big camera.

I stopped at Mitre 10 on the way home, more stuff for the house.

And while I love this white top, I do feel a bit fat in it.
The black top is more slimming I think

Other exercises today, cutting back 1.5 meters of hedging, removing sediment from a storm water sump pit, planting wifes trees, moving a couple of wheelbarrow loads of soil around, and relocating all her heavy pot plants. Body is now sore in places I didn't even know I had.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Pub night

Now I'm not usually a nigh time girl, but on New Years Eve, I went to a popular pub in the blue dress my coffee girl gifted to me, and the pub had shut by 9pm.

So I decided to visit around 9pm on Friday, same dress - bound to be crowded, or so I thought. Apart from a brief chat with a female customer at the bar, there was only two small groups of drinkers. So I was in for a quick drink, then headed back home - wife was happy, she doesn't like me out at night either.

But really....I spent a whole 5 minutes on doing my make up (foundation, eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara and lipstick) and apart from 2 bar workers and the customer at the bar, only my wife got to see the effort I put in. The rest of the evening was spent at home watching "Below Deck" on TV.

Saturday morning was more fun, 6am coffee at McDonalds, then another at 8am before a quick trip to the supermarket to get bacon, before heading home to make wife a breakfast in bed.

yep, that's right, I bring home the bacon 😁

The nice thing about being hairless, is the feel of the swish of the dress on my bum cheeks, the coolness of the seat covers, the cold draft from the supermarket fridges. So many sensations that men in pants will never know.

Of course I had to get out in my new bra, but first some dress rehearsals at home.

Bit disappointed, wife wants her top back so now it's in the "shared space"