I went to a hair dresser wearing pants, semi see through top, pretty bra, NO make up, No wig.
He gave me a cute feminine hair cut & style, and only charged me for a mans cut - so going back there next time
I also joined the gym.
I wore black tights and pretty pink work out top.
During the signing up, the staff asked what I would like to accomplish, I said either a hot feminine body or failing that, one like Dwanye Johnsone - (either way I wouldn't mind). Between you and me, I just want my abs back and be able to walk a few mountains.
After signing up and seeing all the "lads" working out, I decided to dress like the lads. It felt really good working out and after 14 years of running slower than my youngest daughter, I discovered I can still run at a reasonable mans pace.
Wife doesn't want me going there in girl mode due to the number of the kids friends who work out there, fair enough, yet she doesn't mind me swimming there in a one piece (gym overlooks the pools).
Finished my first work out, and I felt like a tough new man and really wanted to quickly find a taekwondo class to refresh those skills. 💪
Still swimming, I enjoy it and it's good for working out any back problems I'm having (slipped disks, pulled muscles etc). I think the shoulder I injured 18 months ago putting dry wall on the ceiling and falling of a ladder, is now back at full strength.
Same pool, I'm up to 1,000 meters each day - after a week, I'm starting to see my abs again.
I would like to add, all this exercise is reducing my desire to dress.
But that would be a lie 😊
I had 1 hour to cook dinner for wife and daughter, so I quickly got dressed, went out for a coffee, got petrol for the car, got home and used the microwave to cut the cooking time down to 20 minutes.
Funny thing during my coffee, a mum and children were intently watching me.
In the process of watching me, one of the girls knocked over her frozen drink and was saddened by her loss. As I left, I offered some spare coins to the mum to buy another drink for the girl.
While it cost me $1, I hope my kindness influences them