Holiday for me myself & I. First stop at the pet shop for fish tank filter, then McDonalds for coffee, checked out a lighting shop, walk around Manurewa Botanical gardens (that's a hike in my new high heel boots) and a half hour visit to the library. It was nice to see lots of college kids using the library, it indicates to me they can read a proper language that's not written in TXT.
It was a really nice outing lasting 5 hours with politeness from everyone.
I did a few photos from the Botanical gardens but didn't like them on the big screen, the ones at the library were not to bad
Wednesday - Botany Shopping Complex for movie (Super 8, more suitable for kids than a mature woman) and coffee. I did a bit of shopping before going to Dennys for a late lunch. Luckily a nice patron of Dennys was on hand and volunteered to take the photo for me as the one I took had to much window glare.
I do love these tight pants (so do one of my daughters, so I have to hide them)
McDonalds Manukau, OK so the date on the camera is a bit out, but still a nice coffee & muffin. I also checked out the hardware shops hoping to find a new shower door handle, looks like I'll have to glue the old handle back together.